Lesson 8: Find your good place

In this video, you will learn the importance of finding a Warm Calling environment that makes you smile.

Length of video: 01:52


Hello again!. Lesson number 8 of the warm calling course focuses on finding your good place. Now you’ve defined a strategy, you’ve identified some leads and you validated them, you probably think it’s time to pick up the phone and start calling potential customers. And that’s one of the biggest mistakes people make. What’s important is finding the right environment for you to make that call. Is that an open planned office? Is that from home? Is it in a quiet space? This is different for every single individual, but it’s important that you identify that because it can be directly related to the success rate that you have during this process.

The old saying that, “People can hear if someone is smiling at the end of the phone” is absolutely true. Think back to a call that you’ve received, potentially a cold or a warm call, and think about the lasting impression you had. Was that person happy? Were they enjoying their job? Were they looking forward to picking up the phone to you?

So, with this in mind, I want you to find your happy place. To start with, think of an area where you’re most creative. Once you’ve identified this area, I want you to add things to it to make the process more enjoyable. This can include getting your favorite coffee, listening to your favorite music, bringing in your favorite plants – because what this will do is it means that you will start looking forward to the warm calling process every single week. You create a positive environment which will be reflected in the calls with a customer. This is extremely important because a happy sales person is a successful sales person.

So, before moving on to the next lesson, really spend some time thinking about – where is your creative environment? Put the process in place where you start looking forward to warm calling as this will make you more successful moving forward.

Course Discussion