Assignment: Which type of calls do you receive?

For the next few days, think about the difference between cold calls and Warm Calls.


During the next 5-10 calls from a supplier or vendor, at work or at home, think to yourself:


  • Was that a cold call, or a Warm Call?
  • Did they know you had a need for their product, or were they just assuming, making a guess, and trying their luck?
  • Have they spend time researching you or your company?


Write down your findings, and share your reflections with a colleague or your team.


Once you understand the difference between a cold call and a Warm Call, and recognize how annoying it can be to receive a cold call, you’ll approach Warm Calling in a different way.


When you have completed this assignment, you can go to the next step where we follow up on how it went. 

Course Discussion