Lesson 1: Introduction

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Salespersons can define quotation in different ways. Some define it as “a process to deliver a price to the customer”. At NCAB, we define quotation as “an opportunity to deserve the business”. This opportunity includes setting a price, but we will limit our opportunities if we focus just on the price.

Plenty of companies sell PCBs. We are an integrated PCB-Producer, and this means that we add value in the customer’s design/purchasing/production process in ways that our competitors cannot do. If customers don´t see or value this, they will just look at the price.
So, we have to show them that we add value.

In some other companies, a quote is just an answer to the question in the RFQ (RFQ = Request For Quote), with no added value. When customers receive quotes like that – of course they pick the supplier with the lowest price.

We don’t want to be in the race for the lowest price – it’s no fun, and if we are chosen, we can easily be replaced by anybody that is cheaper. So it´s not sustainable.

But, if we add some important value to the RFQ process, then the value outshines the competition’s offering.

At NCAB, our job is not just to answer the questions asked in the RFQ. We are Need Analysts, so our job is to figure out what other needs the customer has that we can find a solution for. Our job is to read between the lines and pick up the phone to identify the needs beyond the RFQ.

For sure, customers see quotes as a way to push down prices. But smart customers know how much grief, money, sleep and time it costs them to have a bad supplier, and if we can save them from all that, we not only deserve the order, we also deserve a better margin.

So, at NCAB, we are Needs Analysts. Our job is to HEED the NEED so that we can add value and make good business for both us and the customer. This is a course with advice to Needs Analysts. We will look at why you as a sales person are so important, and then we will dive in to the three lessons – validating RFQs, quote to win, and quote follow-up.

Welcome to this course on quoting like a Needs Analyst!