Now it’s time to practice what you have learned so far – welcome to this exercise on how to present according to the 5 Ps!
Roleplay: Presentation
You need to be at least 2 people in this exercise. Take turns on who is a customer and who is an NCAB salesperson.
1. Pick and agree on a real customer together.
It can be a customer you have already met, or will meet soon.
2. Prepare a presentation of NCAB to the customer that you can be passionate about:
• Plan the presentation based on what you think they want to know. What do you want them to remember one week later?
• Use something that is not a PowerPoint, or complement your PowerPoint with some other relevant material.
• Keep your presentation to under 5 minutes.
• How can you do this presentation so that it encourages the customer to talk? Prepare some open questions to ask so that you can comfortably listen as much as possible.
2. Research on what you think the customer (you) would like to know, for example on their website. Write down some questions for NCAB for the presentation.
3. Present the NCAB presentation you have prepared to the customer.
3. Act as if you were the customer during the presentation.
4. Feedback session:
• 3 things that were good?
Passion – Personality (smile & ask questions) – Preparation – Presentation – Professionalism
• 1 thing that could be improved?
Passion – Personality (smile & ask questions) – Preparation – Presentation – Professionalism
• Was it one-way or two-way communication?
5. Now switch roles, and do steps 1-4 again!
When you have completed this exercise, you can move on to the questions below.