Getting through
– How to handle common obstacles
in your selling
In this course we will collect tips & tricks on how you can handle common obstacles in your day-to-day life, mainly by using HEED the NEED.
The course will gradually be filled with new lessons on different subjects from colleagues from around the NCAB world.

Getting through: Warm Calling
In this lesson you will get some advice from Ryan Pellow, NCAB UK, on how to handle some obstacles while Warm Calling:
› How to find the right contact
› How to get past “the Gatekeeper”
› How to handle common objections from customers
Getting through: Quote follow-ups
In this mini-course, you will get some advice on how to handle common objections when doing quote follow-ups.
This course is part of the lesson Quote follow-up in the course Quoting like a Needs Analyst.
Do you have any advice on how to handle obstacles that you would like to share? Contact Eva Holm or Frida Rudolfsson in the People & Culture team.