Lesson 12: Summary
Wow – you’re almost there! This video will summarize the Warm Calling course.
Length of video: 03:36

Hello again! Lesson 12 of the warm calling process focuses on a recap.
Congratulations on completing all of the lessons so far! And before we complete the course, we want to highlight some of the key areas to focus on moving forward. Why is this important? It’s because these areas are most likely to determine your success when calling potential new customers.
So to conclude:
- Define a strategy for your local office. This gives you a target audience to focus on and offers you guidance when trying to find new leads.
- Validate leads. Once you’ve got potential new customers that you want to target, let’s make sure they’re worth targeting. This saves time in the long run, and ensures that we are building stronger relationships moving forward.
- Follow the warm calling values. These are important because it makes the task much easier, and ensures that you can confidently go into this process knowing that you are warm calling and not cold calling.
- Always follow up. It’s never crowded at the extra mile. So get creative! Everyone will email, a few people will follow up via calls, but it’s what we do in between that determines your success, and whether you’re remembered during the second, third or fourth call.
- And remember – manage your expectations. Not every call will be successful, but determining what is successful on a warm call is the important part. Getting the opportunity to provide a quote is a win. Getting an opportunity to talk to a customer is a win. Getting to understand the potential new customer more is a win. So remember that only 5% of calls are successful, so manage your expectations and ensure you have enough leads to keep you busy.
Once you’ve considered these, please remember our minds only hold on to information we have occasion to use, knowledge unused is forgotten. The best way to learn, and to improve, and to increase your chances of success, is by doing the warm calling yourselves. Find your happy place, follow the warm calling values, and ensure that you get creative in your approach to warm calling, as it’s the most successful way I’ve experienced of generating new business here at NCAB Group.
The more people that warm call around the group, will increase the positivity around the activity itself, and this will ensure that we all love warm calling moving forward. And the more people warm calling means that our knowledge of the industry and potential customers will only increase.
Congratulations on completing the course. I just want to thank you for investing the time reviewing the lessons, but more importantly, for investing in yourselves. I generally believe in this process because I’ve personally seen success from following the step-by-step guide provided throughout the lessons. If you follow the NCAB warm calling values, if you spend time validating your customer leads. If you spend time following up with customers more than two-three times, I can guarantee you’ll see success, and that will benefit the rest of the Group.
So I ask that you provide feedback on the course, as this will benefit others through the feedback forms that are provided, or directly to myself or the HR team, and I ask that you keep up the warm calling process. Keep me updated with the success that you have, because ultimately as a group we want to be successful, we want to develop, and we want to help each other develop the business moving forward in the next five to ten years.