Introduction – Why SPIN?

Video length: 02:08
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In relationship selling, the idea of a sales “presentation” can be misleading. To deliver customized value to your customer, you have to understand their needs and make sure that you are in agreement with them about a solution they could use. This means the sales presentation is a two-way communication.

When you make the effort to listen this way to understand the customers’ needs, not only will you close more sales, but you will also build stronger, lasting customer relationships. Your customers will come to trust NCAB as problem-solving experts.

What Is SPIN Selling?
In Michael’s HEED the NEED lesson, he explains the difference between a ‘Spray-and-pray’ sales strategy and the NCAB-way, which is ‘Heed-the-need’. SPIN selling fits perfectly with ‘Heed-the-need’.

In the SPIN sales model, there are four components of a sales meeting:
1. Opening
2. Investigating
3. Demonstrating capability, and
4. Obtaining commitment.

Please note that Investigating customer needs comes before Demonstrating capability. A ‘Spray-and-pray’ sales meeting would instead start with Demonstrating capability.

SPIN gets its name from the four kinds of questions that take place during the Investigation stage: Situation, Problem, Impact, and Needs.

To make this work, you have to ask your customer or prospect a lot of OPEN questions, let them do most of the talking, and give their responses your full attention.

My tip to you – this works very well at home as well.

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