
Total video time: 03:56
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NCAB is set up to supply the best quality PCBs for demanding customers. And NCAB is also all about making our customers successful.
Here, in NCAB Academy, you will find a range of courses that are all geared towards understanding what the customer needs, which is essential for our future growth and our own success.
I will lead some of these courses, but you will meet other colleagues as we go. So let’s start, let’s start by how we sell at NCAB – the NCAB Way.

There are, basically, two different sales strategies in the world:
One is called ‘spray-and-pray’:
This means that you spray your sales message or offering to everybody, praying that a potential customer will notice, while possibly annoying everybody else. Good examples of this are all the emails that you probably get every day or every week. And another spray-and-pray is of course all the marketing material you get in your mailbox at home.

The other way, which is the NCAB Way, is what we will call ‘HEED the NEED’:
Heed means to notice, or to pay attention to something, and it also means to mind, or to be influenced by the information. So HEED the NEED means that we are paying close attention and understanding to what the customer’s actually needs, and we let that influence our offering.

Instead of spraying-and-praying we are more like need-analysts. We need to understand what the customer needs or expects, to develop and be successful in their business.
And it’s actually quite easy to be a needs-analyst! The hard part is to change from a “listen to me”-scenario to a “I want to listen to you”.
We also pick our customers carefully, because we only want customers that fit our business and service so we can be successful. When we find our kind of customer, we can put a lot of effort into serving them, and knowing that the business will be worth it.
So our way is needs-analysts and HEED the NEED. Work with the right customers and learn everything about their needs.
This, of course, is also in line with our values. We build strong, professional relationships by putting Quality first and taking Full responsibility for the work we do.
And relationships is everything with customers – we know that. When we measure in SuperOffice, we can see that we have a 14% higher hit-rate with customers where we have a strong relationship. That’s amazing!
So, every contact we have with a customer should strengthen our relationship. When customers notice that we HEED the NEED, they will trust us with more of their business.

The purpose of any customer contact is not just to sell. The purpose is to A) understand & HEED their NEED, and B) agree on the next step. If we achieve any of these two it’s a win, because it brings us closer to the customer.

So, what you just saw in the presentation, that will be the foundation for the courses to come. Welcome to NCAB’s sales academy.