LEVEL UP with: Peter Kruk
CEO (Group Function)
10. Summary

Time to conclude – why are we talking about levelling up?
At NCAB, we want to increase opportunities for the company and for everyone who works here. A positive cycle where you can develop your skills and NCAB can grow. We can achieve this by levelling up as individuals, as teams, and as a company. Everyone can paddle.
Levelling up is noticing, thinking and doing – all are needed to turn a possibility into a practical solution. You are encouraged to explore your ideas – to test them and learn from the tests. You are also encouraged to support your colleagues in their exploring. Be aware of the learning zone and the change curve. Everyone can support those who paddle.
Putting Quality first, always and taking Full responsibility are high ambitions. Strong relationships with colleagues add to the psychological safety. Our values prepare us well to paddle into a Blue Ocean.
There’s one more thing I want to point out before we’re done – it’s the relationship between levelling up and cooperation.
When levelling up, you make up your own mind and follow your own ideas. If many people do that without cooperating with others in the company, their exploring will take them to different places. That’s not what we want.
On the other hand, if people agree with everyone on everything, there won’t be much independent thinking, so no exploring. That’s not what we want either.
So, you need to find a combination here. The more you explore, the more important it becomes to cooperate across borders of all kinds, to get input from other viewpoints. Then, the chances are much higher that you’ll find a solution that also works for other functions and locations in NCAB.
It’s more fun too! Our surveys constantly show that people at NCAB very much enjoy cross-border contacts. They would love for you to contact them!
I’m glad you decided to stay to the end, well done. As you have seen, the company has high expectations on you, and I’m convinced that you will play a big part in NCAB’s success.
Good luck with your work. I’m proud of you already.