The professional touch

Video time: 01:54


We usually use iQuote to do the math for us, which is fine. But iQuote really has no touch – it only looks at our cost and price, and not the value we provide for our customers. It’s just a tool, you are the professionals here. You have to add your touch to achieve the right pricing. The math helps us check that we haven’t made a mistake, but it doesn’t decide the price for us.

Let me remind you about the sweet spot where the price we want overlaps with how much value the customer thinks our offer has. This value, in turn, depends on how well our offer fits the customer’s needs – so we have to understand the needs. The value determines the price, not just our cost.

How do we understand the needs? We do our homework, and ask open questions. More about this you can lean in the course Heed the Need.

We can use the math to check that our gross margin is not too low, but the sweet spot is found with the professional touch.

Let’s get back to the metaphor of NCAB as a Formula 1 racing car. As a Formula 1 car driver, you need the team, technology, support, and training behind you. But in the end, the decisions on the track are up to you as the driver. No one can predict exactly how the race will play out. The decisions must be made right there with your professional touch.

NCAB depends on you to bring home a healthy gross margin. Remember, without gasoline, there is no driving, and without profit, there is no NCAB. Good luck out there!

Course Discussion