What is the purpose with NCAB?

Video time: 01:14
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At NCAB, we had two ambitions.

One is to supply high quality printed circuit boards, so that our customers can successfully develop their business.

The second ambition is to create a workplace for us employees, where we can raise our competence and also have some fun. This is the overall meaning with NCAB.

So what about the profit? A good way to think of it, is to see NCAB as a Formula 1 team. It’s not only up to the driver – you really need a strong team, and you also need to have leading and reliable technology behind you.

During the race, you need an excellent driver that can make a lot of decisions fast-paced – because you never know what going to happen out there.

If NCAB is a Formula 1 team, one could say that the gasoline is the profit. We cannot do anything without it. But the meaning with Formula 1 is not the gasoline, and the meaning with NCAB is not the profit.

Without gasoline, no driving. Without profit, there is no NCAB.

Course Discussion