4. More NCAB USPs

Learn more USPs to build your own collection. 
Note! NCAB is constantly evolving, so numbers and statements in this video might be out of date – make sure you are always updated with the correct information.

Video length: 03:19. 


You know your customers better than anybody. What do they need? Our suggestion is that you build a collection of NCAB’s USPs that you like to talk about, with specific examples that make them credible. Then, when preparing for warm call or a meeting with a prospect or customer, you have a list to pick from – what could be relevant for this customer? Make it easy for yourself!

Let’s do some more examples.

If the customer worries about increasing demands of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), you can say:

“We get those too, they are a pain!”

But that won’t impress on anyone. Instead, you can say:
• “We follow the CMRT (Conflict Mineral Report Template), checking with our factories about their suppliers and that the smelters are on the conformance list of RMI (Responsible Mineral Initiative).”
• “We monitor factory workers’ conditions, even down to checking the standard of dormitories and that insurances are payed.”
• “We are an ISO 26000 company, and the level of our sustainability work is unique in our business.”
• “Would you like to attend one of our sustainability seminars?”

If delays in delivery would be a disaster for the customer, you can say:

“I wouldn’t worry about that if I were you.”

But that will most likely make things worse. Instead, you can say:
• “We have people in the factories working proactively to keep production on schedule.”
• “We deliver PCBs to a value of 190 million US dollars every year, so when we place an order in a factory, it gets their attention. All of our orders are treated with the highest priority.”
• “Since we have 23 factories, we always have several options for the same technology.”
• “Would you like to look into multi-sourcing on your project?”

If the customer claims that everyone has the same quality, you can say:

“Are you kidding?”

… and this time maybe you should, but you could also say:
• “We believe that our quality level is quite unique. We report on it monthly, and we have been consistently above 99% since 2015.”
• “We do four types of audits in our factories; of processes (monthly), pre-production (yearly), quality (yearly, takes three days), and sustainability (bi-yearly).”
• “The NCAB PCB specification goes beyond the IPC standard on several points, such as specific solder mask thicknesses and not allowing repairs of broken circuits.”
• “Which quality requirements do you have?”