3. What are some NCAB USPs?

Learn the power of specifics.
Note! NCAB is constantly evolving, so numbers and statements in this video might be out of date – make sure you are always updated with the correct information.

Video length: 03:45. 


Example: If a customer wonders if we have good factories, you can say:

“Sure, we have great factories, trust me.”

This is not likely to build trust, even if it’s true. Very unfair, but that’s how it is. Instead, you can use specific examples of how selective and diligent we are:
• “The full NCAB sourcing process takes about 52 weeks; it is very thorough.”
• “Our people approve specific equipment in key processes to be sure that our quality demands are met.”
• “Which criteria do you want to set up for your project?”

When we say “Our 23 factories”, we mean that we know exactly what they can do.

Another example: If a customer believes that “everybody has a Factory Management”, you can say:

“Yes, but our people are much better, for sure.”

This is not convincing, even if it’s true. Instead, you can use facts that show how deeply involved our Factory Management are with our factories:
• “Our factories have dedicated teams, selected by us but employed by the factory. Each team member receives 40 hours of extra training every year.”
• “We have our own staff working and living in the factories.”
• “We have 78 people on our FM team in China and 11 in Taiwan.”
• “What would you want them to do on your project?”

When we say “our Factory Management”, we mean people who are out there, on the floor, when your PCBs are produced. Proactive quality control, finding errors before they impact delivery precision.

Another example: If a customer complains that “we never get any information, so we don’t know if there is a problem until the delivery date has passed”, you can say:

“No problem, we’ll deliver on time.”

But that won’t calm the customer, even if it’s true. Instead, you can let them follow the process:
• “Our factories are directly integrated into our systems, and our system ‘flags’ if your production is not on track.”
• “We get daily updates on where your products are in the production process.”
• “How often do you want to be in the loop?”

General statements have very little selling power. All suppliers say the same things, and the customer can’t know what’s true until after the products have been delivered. A very specific example indicates that you are not just saying what they want to hear. Asking a question helps the customer see the benefits this feature could bring for them, and indicates how transparent we are.

If a customer has voiced a need and you reply with a specific USP, it’s worth so much more than if you throw random USPs at them. Wait for the need!