2. Create a relevant webinar

Read the video transcript below the video, or download all video transcripts in this course here


Before you start, it is important to set the basics.

  • Who do you want to attract?
    What is your target group? EMS, OEM, ODM? Purchasers, engineers?
  • What are their needs? And what challenges or problems do they usually face?
    Quality issues, high costs, design mistakes?
  • Based on the target group’s needs, what is the purpose of the webinar?
    What should they learn?
    • Focus on 1-2 topics, instead of too many.
    • Webinars are not about selling – they are about stimulating someone’s curiosity, teaching them something and inspiring them to want to have a conversation.
    • So, focus on the target group’s needs, rather than selling NCAB.
  • What do you want the target group to do?
    What action should they take immediately after the webinar? Recommend our webinars to others? Give us a call? Book a meeting with a technician? Participate in the next webinar?
  • Who should be the presenter/s?

Can you co-host with a colleague? Having several presenters make it easier to listen to and creates energy. Or, can you co-host with someone from another NCAB company, or an external company? That will double your spread!

  • What is ONE thing they should remember?
    When you say “bye-bye”, what is one thing they should take away with them? What should they remember after 1 week? After 1 month?
  • In what format should it be?
    Will you show a process live? A PowerPoint? Videos? Can it be an interview? Panel discussion? Q&As?

When you’ve answered these questions, your webinar will be super clear!
And when you have prepared the content of your webinar, come back to this list to check if there is still a red thread.