approx. min to complete
Why level up?
You level up to do your job even better. It’s not about working harder, but getting more out of the effort you put in. It should be good for you and good for NCAB.
To do it, you need to mix independent thinking, and good cooperation with colleagues. And to cooperate well, we need a common language for how to level up. That is the purpose of this course.
In this course you will learn how to:
- Recognize when and where to level up
- Adopt a Blue Ocean strategy
- Explore ideas systematically
- Understand how change works
- Support colleagues when they level up.

Meet your tutors!
Peter Kruk
Eva Holm
Anette Eng
Angela Wang
Claire-Lise Sarnin
Steve Davis
Kristin Eistermann
Ann Harwood

Tips for a successful learning journey
- Put your phone on silent
- Close your e-mail and all unnecessary tabs
- Study in intervals (“Pomodoro”-style): study 25 min, rest 5 min, study 25 min, etc.
- Make it comfortable: sit in a nicer chair, bring a cup of tea/coffee, a fruit. What do you need to make it into a nice experience?
- Have good headphones
- Do the course together with a colleague, and then discuss the topics throughout the course
- Have a translation app open if you need it, or download the transcript below
- Decide how you will celebrate when you have completed the course. Maybe some ice cream?
VIDEOS will give you new knowledge.
QUIZZES will help you remember your new knowledge.
EXERCISES will help you practice your new knowledge.
DOWNLOAD all video transcripts from this course, for translating or printing, here.
What your colleagues say about this course:
It is a very good course, and can expand your mind
Humour keeps it lightweight, while the person who is doing the course is learning new things
This course is in line with NCAB values
Image ref: Matterhorn photo, by Andrews Art (Unsplash)