Total video time: 02:52


So, what should we do in NCAB? How can we minimize the cons and maximize the Pros?

  1. Blended learning means mixing digital learning, like videos and quizzes, with classroom learning. We don’t want to skip all classroom educations, but maybe reduce travelling a little bit.
  2. Also, with the support of NCAB Academy, participants can gather locally to discuss the content of the videos and decide how to use it, instead of flying to a different country for a few days.
  3. Videos of tutors are always available in NCAB Academy.
  4. New employees can access important knowledge right away. Old employees can go back and freshen up their knowledge whenever they want.
  5. Spacing, as opposed to cramming, is easy with videos. In NCAB Academy we can also follow up participants’ knowledge and insights individually with quizzes and surveys.

There are two purposes with spacing:

Number 1: To divide up the education in smaller, more easy-to-swallow parts of knowledge. It is easier to absorb 15 minutes of knowledge than 2 days of knowledge. When videos and quizzes are short, participants can view them when sitting on a train, waiting for a haircut, etc. So no scheduling is required, and not too much time is taken from their daily job.

The second purpose of spacing is to follow up on knowledge. This helps the participant to remember, and it also helps tutors to evaluate which methods work best.

In this picture, the small dots are digital points of contact, for example a video, a quiz, a survey, an assignment, and so on. The big dot is the actual meeting, like a workshop or a classroom education. When using spacing, this meeting will be much more efficient, and the tutor can focus on what the participant’s like the most: sharing knowledge and practicing.

Spacing both avoids cramming, and at the same time upholds the learning curve – it makes the participants remember more.

       6.  The last pro for today about NCAB Academy is where it gets really interesting – the acting on the new knowledge. NCAB Academy is not just learning – but DOING.

But what about the Pros with Classroom learning? We don’t lose any of them, especially if we occasionally continue to arrange workshops where people from different countries can exchange knowledge and ideas. I want to highlight that we will not stop doing classroom trainings, since they are so important for building culture, sharing knowledge and boost motivation. But when we do them, we will use spacing, making them much more efficient.